Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Life isn't always how you planned it.

As much as you plan for life never happens as you expected it. It's always better to make do with what you have.
This morning while I was feeding my circus I realized but I have a wonderful life. Of course I realize this before but it's nice to have that epiphany on a day like today. Exhausted from a stomach virus but having enough beauty sleep to look like a princess, my two-year-old decided do you have her normal I don't want anything stage. So I text her at least three different meals and decided that I would give her anything that she wanted and save the rest for dinner. She, being the hard headed little girl that she is, decided that she wanted to eat pudding. Having very little energy this morning I decided that that is a fight that I would not push to win.
Can I write this blog today not only to decompose myself after a lifetime of learning Adventures and sporadic Avalanches of happiness but to also make sure the no other mom has to go through what I went through.
And tell you a little bit about myself, about four years ago I was a single mom with only one kid but in 2014 I married the love of my life. He being a divorcee was a father two two wonderful kids himself, one boy and one girl whom is the same age as my daughter.
Before I became a married Mama of four wonderful kids, I went through a lifetime of learning Adventures. From finding out that I was pregnant to then learning how to put a diaper on a baby, it all is chalked up as being a mother.
My first born was it healthy little baby up until the age of 4. Then she just kept getting sick and they couldn't figure out why. I kept bringing her back and forth to the doctors telling them that she had some kind of infection something was wrong and I just kept getting the run around because me being a single young mom. Not everyone thinks that young moms know what they're talking about. When you're a first time mother your belief to be a worry wart. You know the kind that bring their child in for every bruise and every little bitty cut. Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with those parents because I am one of those parents but aren't we all.
Anyway, on December of 2011 I took my daughter to the doctors where they diagnosed her with a cold and told me to give her honey to make her feel better. Now yes I do believe that honey can help a cough but when a child has had the same thing for months then there is something wrong with her. We were supposed to go to Disney in December but we wanted up prosp owning it because of her being sick. In January of 2012 we decided to go to Disney but we should have stayed home. Kyla being still sick and getting fever round clock I brought her back to the doctors before the trip. The doctor told me to give her vomit medicine so she'll keep down the ibuprofen and tylenol that I was giving her.
No I know I should have canceled the trip but there's only so many times that you can postpone a trip to Disney. Well we went to Disney and she was miserable. We left early from our trip and Disney and got home around midnight the night before she was to go back to school. I kept checking her fever throughout the night and it would not break. At one point it went up to 104.5 which is when I decided to take her to the Hospital.
In 2012 my daughter was diagnosed with acute Pyelonephritis. Not even a month after that my daughter had her first Grandmal seizure. And while waiting to seek treatment for that she had another one. 2012 was a big year for me to learn all about medical history. It was also a big year for me to learn to keep a record of the events that happen when your child is sick.
I've learned a lot since 2012 and we are still fighting my daughter's kidney problems. And the beginning of this year she was hospitalized again. And the beginning of July my daughter went through surgery to help her problem. Through lots of prayers and all fingers being crossed, we think we have won this battle. Now I know that there are more worst stories out there but for a mom and seeing her daughter in the hospital, this is the worst story in her life.
No I didn't touch base on the epilepsy, but 4 years my daughter was on medicine for bladder reflux, epilepsy, and for diverticulitis. We have learned that my daughter is now being tested for ADHD. For four years of my daughter's room. She was on medicine and since we've taken her off we have noticed a change in her her attention span. This is a tough battle or a mom that thought she won her battle.
I hope that the doctors can help her would doing better in school. I know she is a good kid but she's just been given the rough end of the stick at such a young age.
She's got a great attitude towards life and all I can do is a applaud her and hope that I become like her. I love you from the bottom of my heart.


Monday, August 14, 2017

Daily quest of a busy person

Today while getting my kids off to school I realized that we don't make time for ourselves. This morning I went for a run for 20 minutes only to come back home and get breakfast rolling, feed the guinea pig, take out the dogs, and fix the hair of one of my 10 year old  girls.
I don't want to write time in a calendar for myself to have fun but there's only so many hours in a day. If I don't put something on the list of items that I must do a day, I wont do it.
Then by the time I come home at night and I want to do something, (you know that thing that I’m trying to do), I'm too tired from a long day of work.
You know a lot of people say they'll do it after the kids get older but then so do we.
So today while we're checking off our to-do list check off something for yourself today. Do it with passion because you never know when you get a chance to do it again.
Life is short.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


 To deliberately and repeatedly torment, threaten, embarrass, humiliate, and pick-on someone, to break-up friendships or spread rumors or hurt.

What is cyber bullying and what are the effects on high school students? Bullying by itself can be defined as a type of aggressive behavior that involves intent to cause harm. It can include psychological, physical, verbal or cyber abuse. In my discussion, I talk about the long-term effects of being cyber bullied. The world has upgraded, and its technology has exposed our children to all of its positives and negatives that come with it: one negative with it is being cyber bullied. It is a terrible weapon that can destroy the victim’s reputation and life in just one click. Cyber bullying is becoming the biggest weapon in this world and it will evidently become too big to control.
According to the Cyber Bullying Research Center, “cyber bullying is defined as willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices.” Cyber bullying can happen with any technology people use today including social networking sites, blogs, YouTube, chat rooms, and text messaging.  According to Cyber bullying and Its Victims, an article in American School University, one in every six high school students has been the victim of electronic bullying in the past year; girls are more likely to be victimized. The study also states that a third of the high school students that were surveyed spend three hours on a computer every day. (Cyber Bullying and Its Victims, 2013) We, as a whole community, should not blame cell phones, computers or technology for cyber-bullying. As a matter of fact, social media sites can be used for positive activities like connecting with friends and family, and helping students with school. But the problem is that the same technology that is used by our population on a daily basis for both educational and entertainment purposes can become a harmful weapon against people.
Cyber bullying has increased a large amount in society. To win the battle against cyber bullying, there needs to be education on this problem to prevent health risks and other problems associated with cyber bullying. This issue affects millions of people, teenagers and young adults included, on a daily basis. Since cyber bullying is so new, research and prevention is basically nonexistent, and often fails to address the effects that cyber bullying has on the common young mind.  The effects of bullying are similar, whether or not the victim experiences bullying through technology or in person. Kids who are cyber-bullied are more likely to do these things: use alcohol and drugs, skip school (to not have to see the bully), experience in-person bullying, be unwilling to attend school, receive poor grades, and low self-esteem and more health problems. According to a recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, both victims and offenders of bullying can feel the long-lasting psychological effects. Bullying victims showed greater likelihood of agoraphobia, this is where the person has anxiety towards public places. People have been both victims and bullies are at higher risk for young adult depression, panic disorder, and there is also an increased chance of committing suicide. There is also a risk of antisocial personality disorder.
To prevent bullying, educating kids about the consequences is a must. Parents need to teach their children to respect others and to take a stand against bullying of all kinds. There are some state laws against bullying but most states have not incorporated the concept of cyber bullying in to their laws. To fully prevent cyber bullying, parents, teachers, administration and students need to work together in building a safe school environment, and creating a community-wide bullying prevention strategy. The National Crime Prevention website currently has two campaigns to help prevent bullying; one for parents and one for kids. They also have cartoons and games for parents to start teaching their kids early before it’s too late.
As our generation advances further, technology becomes more accessible, which opens the door for cyber-bullying. If we don’t put a stop to it now, this will be the new weapon to kill people. Who needs bullets if you can make the victims pull the trigger themselves? I believe standing together to fight against cyber bullying in the only way to help the next generation. As the motto of Stop Cyber Bullying states,” Don’t Stand by.” “Stand up.” Get help and get noticed. If you are being cyber bullied, tell someone.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A lesson Learned. "wrongfully accused"

A deep subject for my first blog but here it is.

After five years your name should be cleared right? No. I am experiencing the burn of a former "secret admirer ". So you are truthful and tell them you don't want to date the but they become resentful and say wrong things about you. Well I am a victim of this. I have started clearing my name and I have called "clear my name.com. Lets see if this works. As a word of mind, don't do that to people. Its wrong on so many ways. Bullying leads to pain.

More to come.
Lora Dillenkoffer